About Us 2018-01-19T15:20:34+01:00

The share capital of LINUP Srl is now equal to 300,000 Euros, and the social structure is made up of 3 members:



SSM, innovative SMEs, is a company which has been active for 10 years in the design and industrialization of products in the transportation area.


Born in 1976, he obtained a degree in mechanical engineering in 2001 majoring in materials.

He developed his skills working at research centers such as the  University of Naples and in Paris. He continued his professional development by working with multinationals which dealt with processes and materials implemented within the industrial area and the automotive manufacturing industry until 2010

Main positions held in this specific period:

Consultant for Fiat Group Automobiles

Consultant for TNO Tass Automotive France

Consultant for British American Tobacco

Since 2010 he has been the Managing Director of Mare Engineering SpA (turnover of 2 Million €) and from 2012 the President of the Step Sud Mare (10 Million € turnover) and also the Director of the ICT Skills Lab Network.

In addition he is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Tertiary Industry of Confindustria Campania.


Born in Naples in 1966, after graduating in Aeronautical Engineering, he has developed expertise working both in Italy and abroad, by undertaking the roles such as  Chief Operating Office.  In the course of his professional experience he has been  responsible in multinational environments, for both companies and plants, (automotive and white) and companies which dealt with various goods (bathroom furniture, interior furnishing).

 He is also an expert from the WCM (World Class Manufacturing methodology) with which he has achieved significant productivity gains and significant cost reductions especially by implementing the direct involvement of the people and also allowing their professional growth. He has also managed profound organizational changes, coordinating production shifts and plant closures; in addition, introduction  to  SAP.

Main offices held:

  • COO di Friuli Intagli SpA  (Multinational with 400 Million € turnover) 2011-2012

  • Logistics General Manager, Magneti Marelli Group (Multinational 5 Million € turnover) 2005-2010

  • Managing Director Merloni SpA


Born in Mestre in 1963, after graduating in Business Studies with a thesis on Software House, he has developed his skills working both in Italy and abroad. During his professional experience, he has had administration responsibilities concering trade and marketing in the context of service companies in the food industry area. In addition, he has worked with technologies which have been applied to both the food and automotive industry, which led to him covering the role of CEO at a company in the food service industry.

Main offices held:

Senior Consultant at Ferrari Spa (MO) January 2012 – January 2013

Managing Director and partner at Medifood srl Eboli FMCG Company (SA) November 2006 – Present

Commitee Member for M.&.C. S.r.l. (40 Mln €) Naples with an endorsement for Marketing and business development 2000 – Nov 2006

Administration Manager for Ci Esse Industriale S.r.l. (20 Mln €) Naples 1996 – 2000

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