Ergo 2018-01-19T15:20:39+01:00

LinUp Ergo: innovation of corrective ergonomic analysis

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It is not just a product of next generation, is a vision without compromise: an innovative method to achieve the ergonomic analysis in a short time. LinUp Ergo offers you the opportunity to manage data in a simple and reliable, through the use of software that guides you in the ergonomic analysis realization.

Hands first of all

With video footage in P.O.V. (Point of View), You have the possibility to have a more detailed analysis on the ergonomic movements of the hands.

The aviation technology at the service of ergonomics.

Through the use of aeronautical inertial sensors, used in field UAV, the acquisition system provides high precision data. A non-invasive product,  constituted by 5 sensors that enable the detecting of angular torso, arms and forearms.

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